Advisors of Japanese universities will provide:

•  Study in Japan information

•  University introduction and admission procedure

•  Campus and student life information

•  Scholarship and tuition information

"The Study-in-Japan Fair 2022" coming soon! 

Come and join us at Angkor-Kizuna Hall at Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center on Friday 14 October. In this event, you will meet those respectful representatives from Study in Japan Global Network Project in ASEAN/Okayama University, Embassy of Japan in Cambodia (EoJ), Japan International Cooperation Center (JICE), Cambodian Students' Association in Japan (CSAJ) and many more. At the same time, you will get chance to receive information, documents, and face-to-face consultation with those universities at their booths. Or you can participant in our fair by Zoom Meet which will be held on Saturday 15 and Sunday 16, October. Each university's representative will give their presentation in the zoom. 

Register Now !

Participant Universities  and Institutions

If you have any specific questions to your participant universities, Institutions or partners, please let us know by fill information via the icon (Ask us!) below. Thanks you.

Akita University

Kyoto University of Advanced Science University

Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University

University of Fukui

University of Hyogo

University of Yamanashi

Yamagata University

Cambodian Students' Association in Japan (CSAJ)

 OJEIC Cambodia

LandHousing Co., Ltd

Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center

"The Study-in-Japan Fair 2022" Livestream Now: 

Let us know if you'll be attending!

Register Now!

The Venue

[Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center]

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